Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 9, 2011

Recycling paper: Kids craft ideas

Recycled Heart Craft

I ran across a great tutorial on how to make a heart wreath and it got my brain jogging.  I remembered a snowflake craft that I had seen in a magazine, so I modified it for hearts.
What came out was this cool ornament looking thingy.  Doesn’t that sound enticing?
You will need a toilet paper roll, paint, pipe cleaner, hole punch, paint brush, and scissors.

Have your kids paint the toilet paper roll.  Paint it inside and out.  While the paint is wet you can add glitter, but I wasn’t about to do with these three.
After the paint has dried bend the roll in the shape of a heart.
Cut the roll into strips about 3/4 of an inch wide.  Use the hole punch to make a hole.  I made mine a tad under the halfway mark.
Thread your pipe cleaner through the holes on all of the pieces.
Twist the pipe cleaner together and ta-da, you have one cute decoration and a proud kid.
This is great for Valentine’s Day or any time you want to make some hearts.  Let’s face it, hearts are cute and a great reminder of love.  Everyone needs some in their life.

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